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"God answers sharp & sudden on some prayers,
And thrusts the thing we have prayed for in our face,
A gauntlet with a gift in it."

-Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1856

Eric Haase -"EnvironMENTAL" paintings
The following paintings are scans of the actual works with no digital manipulating or touch ups. Click here to see some of my environmental photographs...


Passover Panic

click 2 enlarge


"HumanKind Awaiting "
(1991, - watercolor on the back of a piece of my old company's ("Sign of the Times Productions") stationary.

The full title is "Humankind Awaiting The Other Shoe To Drop."
    I had a dream that I was being called to the door of my bedroom by a horrific noise... This dream & painting occurred not long after I experienced Hurricane Andrew in Miami. The noise in the dream was the noise of the wind I heard during that hurricane. It sounded like millions of demons screaming in unison. In the dream, the noise emanates from outside my bedroom door.
     I get out of bed , go to the door. It's violently rattling. I touch it.. It's hot; as if a fire is burning on other side. I ignore every Smokey the Bear fire safety film I saw as a kid & fling it open. I step through the door to peer down the hall toward the sound...
    The hallway stretches down a wormhole into a fiery vortex.. What I now call bio - accumulation vortex.. I peer into this rip in space-time which has some sort of fiery blackness of evil swirling within it.. Everything living & the elements which create all biology are being sucked into this vortex of eternal death. It was revelaed to me when I died that humankind is creating this vortex.. Our current name for this is global warming &/or the greenhouse effect.

If you stare at the red & blue hues I used in the original painting, they create the optical illusion of shifting back & forth & make the figure seem alive.. It's shifty.. Just like humanity.
     The skeletal figure represents humanKind peering through this time tunnel, through the looking glass, directly at the possibilities of destruction they've been forewarned of.. Still they incinerate their fulfillment of raw elements for nefarious desires & stand in their infamy, just watching with repressed subliminal knowledge of their oncoming destruction... A deer in the headlights, subconsciously knowing the other shoe is set to drop. I woke up & painted this..

!   I later renamed this painting "Passover PassOver Panic" after remembering that part of the sound I was hearing was the screaming descent of the angel of death. In the painting & in the dream I smear blood on the doorposts. Did I do it in time? Where'd that angel go, anyway? Am I a dead man walking?

-Hey humans, Good luck with your planet. However, with what you are doing to it, luck won't help.
Love ∞ -E,Haase


"Meanwhile.. In Some Other Puppet Realm"
.. 'A World of Many Desires, Choose Your Own Poisons While Chasing The Muse'

Oil on Photograph
I know that's a long frickin' title, but the meaning of this one changes every time I look at it. Dunno' if it's the best work I've ever done, but it's definitely my favorite.



Fishin' 1987 watercolor on paper

This was the cover image for an experimental film I had written & was about to go into production on in college. I stupidly let the draw of $ lead me into a career in commercial film production without completing this project. I found the script recently, & after reading it, I wanted to drop everything & see if I could find a way to go into production on it. It's hard core environMENTALism in theme, yet very loving & uses all the creative elements of multi-media digital image manipulation to get it's point across. I'm going to perhaps put that script online & see if I can get someone to complete this project. For now, I'll explain the painting.
     The fish represents a microcosm of the biological & cosmological realms. You can plainly see the earth being used for eyes. Another fish has the balanced universal energies of the Tao (the yin / yang chi) for eyes. The water containing all fish is their deep space, in which these fish swim like an armada of spaceships hunting for their sustainance; looking for a safe place to land.
     The film I was making used interdependent ecosystems as a metaphor for integrating all of the various audio visual media that can be brought together in film-making so that the sum of all of these parts becomes a greater whole because of the synergetic use of each part(just like a real ecosystem). This concept is best explained by the full script which I will share with anyone intersted. Just contact me.

More craptastic environMENTAL art soon.. betcha' can't wait , Love ∞ - E,Haase

  More of my craptastic artwork coming soon, so come back. e-mail me to let me know whatcha' think. CLICK HERE to see some of my environmental photos...







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