The following
photo prints were done in my pre Photoshop days (except for the last
one). I wish I had photoshop then, I could have saved myself hours.
These are all one of a kind prints done by multiple exposures on photo
paper of 2 different negatives. Vistalith film was cut to shield the
areas of the first exposure while I placed the second negative exposure
on the paper with an ultra-violet filter in the enlarger. I would
then colorize the finished print with Marshall Photo oil paints...
Hours of work that can be done in minutes with photoshop today. You
can also to see some of my ... |
(1988, photo oil on layered infrared print)
I took this photo on a cross country road trip after high school.
The center photo is a piece of landscape pop-art in an agricultural
field in Texas, the name of which escapes me right now. The outer
photo is an infrared close up of the crop surrounding the half buried
Cadillacs. |
"Man Claims
Dominion Over Nature" (1988,
photo oil on layered infrared print)
I was fascinated by Baroque counter - reaffimration rescos as a child,
particularly those of Cartona. This piece shows that influence, particularly
in terms of the movement & symbolism. It probably also shows my
love of Botticelli. This photo is one of a triptych. I'll post the
companions when I scan them. This photo depicts my modern take on
Genesis 1:29, when God gave man the earth. My cousin Rob, (top subject
of photo, was a body builder when I took this photo of him. He depicts
fallen man declaring his might & ruler ship over the earth. The
central figure hoists a simple tool & thrusts down into the earth
to make it submit to the human will. I was trying to provoke in us
the question, "have we been good stewards over the earth we were
given, & If we had to explain what we've done with the planet
to it's creator, could we do so without shame?" |
"The Suspended
Garden "
(1989, photo oil on layered infrared print)
Question of this piece...Will we one day have
to go see nature in a zoo-like setting like we see animals today? |
"The Sacred
& The Profane 1"
(1989, photo oil on layered B&W print)
My"thing" for a while was to combine the beautiful &
the grotesque within a single image. Here we have a flowerbed surrounding
the inlaid image of my model who's eyes I scratched out on the negative
in an obvious homage to Munch's"Scream". Behind her is the
full moon illuminating a cloudscape out over Miami Beach. When I developed
the image, I thought the clouds & moon looked more like a mushroom
cloud. Hence, the sacred (woman/flowers) & the profane (nuclear
war). |
(1989) Layered B&W photo.
Depicts the struggle between faith & sanity. The inset photo was
taken by my then girlfriend Kim Solano in Italy. The outer is my buddy
running down Miami Beach. Click to enlarge so you can read the dialogue
bubbles & get the gist of the "struggle". |
"The Sacred
& The Profane 2"
(1999), (color macro photo print collage)
This one is a photoshop job. As you may have gathered by the fact
that I was not at the Trinity nuclear tests. The sunflower is a macro
photo I took on my friends sunflower farm. Inside is the Trinity explosion
(courtesy of the Manhattan project and 5000 years of human conflict.
The outside image is Hubble's "Deep field view" courtesy
of NASA. |
'Meanwhile, In Another Puppet Realm..'
1993, Oil on photograph |

Click HERE
to view ISM video,
from a multi media installation I did @ the Bass Museum in Miami
Beach. 3MB Quicktime video will open in new window. Our 'Isms' are
why we destroy more than our environment.
More of my craptastic artwork coming soon, so come back. e-mail
me to let me know whatcha' think. |
