was strictly my transmedia production site, however, since
clinical death experience, I've made it more of a parking
lot for "all things "E". Interact with mE in my latest social engineering experiment: C3- the Conscious Consumers' Community.
book "Apocalypse
Near"; won the Green Book Festival award
for best interactive book. The Green Book Festival honors books
that contribute a greater understanding, respect for & positive
action of the worldwide environment. I attended
the award ceremony in San Francisco & I'm attempting to use this
momentum to jump start film
production again.
Near" is the product of ongoing "automatic
writing" experiences that have been occurring since my brush
with eternity. I published this book because of its urgent "EnvironMENTAL"
message. Contact me if you'd like to read the interactive version;
(audio book in production) or if you purchased the physical book & would like your free interactive edition. You may read a summary of this book/feature
film project HERE.
Click here
for Press / Media Kit.

A pic of me in my office taken
just days B4 my brain blew up (aneurysm).
My near death experience led to the creation of
my Conscious
Consumers' website which led to the creation of my
REVELution "REFORMance-Art" site
which led to the creation of the "Apocalypse Near trilogy
of feature film screenplays & book about saving the planet
from the humans ;->I'm in pre-production of the first
of the "Apocalypse
Near)" films.
I guess the docs did a great job putting
my brain back together because I'm still as nuts as I've always
been. In my spare time I scribe psalms and think about the ability to think about thought :).
Thanks to all who came to my benefit concerts (E•Motion,
EricPalooza ,
& Medicate U.S. .
I would never have gotten through this without you. =->
I'm doing better than doctors expected (well they
thought I was dead, or that I'd be a vegetable at best). I'm peripherally
blind from the brain injury, but considering how bad medical science
says I should be, I won't complain.
I fooled them by just surviving the surgery &
I'm working toward having everything I had in my former life back
& more . Anyone who'd like to assist my climb out of my grave
may donate to my tax deductible medical foundation below, (please
don't feel obligated to)... Hearing from people is more valuable
than $. I know that with God, fam & friends, I'm covered.
So, e-mail me to
say hi OR donate to yourself & planet by visiting the
website I took back from beyond the grave: